
One of those things I won't forget!

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There is so not even time for me to be writing this right now but I had to post because it's one of those things in life that makes you look back and say wow, we've come so far... wow, we've been blessed, wow, were so small and our lives are so ordinary, yet He cares for even us....

Today I am typing this with a little one in her bed, another "little big" as she calls herself in her bed with her leopard sleep mask, pink ruffle trim, on and Lilly and Frenchy sleeping beside her.  The past 24 hrs have been filled with many emotions as I have been reflecting the past year with Sadie, and also getting ready to celebrate tomorrow is her first birthday!  It's been so much fun, gone so fast, and yet full of moments like the one I am about to describe.  This year we have been under serious attack in the side of health in us and our kids.  When Sadie was born with in weeks our house had a stomach flu and then a month or more later Sadie was in the ER with a viral infection that almost cost her life, her throat was swollen and she was unable to breath.  There is when  my time as a mom took a turn.  Recently a friend from college passed away and every day I think of her, I pray for her little ones and husband who were left here to remember her and lean on Him, and I think of how much favor God has shown us, me especially... that I have another moment in my cute house with my comfy chairs my loving husband and best friend, with my gorgeous and healthy girls...yes we get stomach flu and we get viral infections but we dont have a death or disease we have to live with every day.  How do I possibly express what I feel about the Lord that He spares us so much....

Sat night we put the girls to bed around 8 o'clock as usual and woke at about 11o clock with Kehnley throwing up and then Sadie doing the same.  I remember looking on the monitor and seeing Sadie sitting up, looking sleepy and like she was about to lay back down and then she got sick.  Bry and I went into tag team super mom and dad mode, one holding them, the other cleaning sheets, one holding back hair while Kehnley was sick, the trying to get the baby to drink some water, one getting rid of towels and infected things while the other get sheets back on the bed, one cleaning the restrooms and the other tucking babes in.  Finally all was settled hours later we climb back into bed, and Kehnley starts to get sick again.... and again... and again... every time she drank water...and again.  So I laid with her in her bed, Bry was left to tend to Sadie, who praise the Lord didnt get sick again after that first time.  The morning slowly came and Kehnley acted fine, like "im ready for a smoothie mom!" I talked her down from the smoothie obsession and she settled for toast.  After she ate half she said "i feel itchy"  from then on was the scariest thing I have ever seen... she had a rash that covered her abdomen and her chest and armpit, and around her inner thighs.  She said I feel hot mom, so we gave her some Benadryl and she laid on Bry for a bit and watched Surfs Up (that always makes her feel better)  The rash looked like it was gone, AWESOME i thought... but it had moved, it was now on her neck and back and other side of her chest and upper arms.  This gross rash would continue to move every 30 min to and hour for the rest of that day!  By the night time it was covering her face, she looked like a burn victim and I was grabbing at straws to figure out what this was.  I thought it was Fifth Disease, and all the symptoms really looked like it.  I had family and friends praying for her and oddly enough once i thought I put a name to it (even though nothing had changed about her) I felt better... weird how you think a little bit of answers a little bit of control can be calming when yet nothing was in control at that point.  She got an oat bath and the rash turned to white spots and made her hands and feet swell her eyes began to get so puffy that they could barely open and all the while she was itching and hurting she'd make funny faces at me and be silly here and there (kids have a way of making hard things easier sometimes) although we want to think they can make easy things hard, I am glad she was being silly for me last night!  I was scared.  By the time bedtime was on, we read stories, gave meds, rubbed creams, and prayed prayers... lights out, and she one woke once to ask for more lotion.  The morning came and she was totally cleared!! TOTALLY!  It was all gone!  Sadie did barf on me this morning I just hope that bc she ate too many pickles the night before but Kehnley looked like she never even had this freaky thing on her skin!  So i call the nurse per my mom and Bry's request tell her about the situation and she says there is no way that is fifth's bc it doesnt travel and be gone that fast ( I wanted to tell her woman you dont' know that my aunts and my friends have been praying for this girl and God is bigger than your webMD symptoms list)  but I kept it polite and said well she has no symptoms for me to look at now so I dont know WHAT it was, prob a reaction to the mold in the leaves her and Sadie played in on sat aftrn.  But anyway... 

I say all that because we have been through some crazy stuff this past year... if you don't know, read the other posts about Kehnley's anaphylactic reaction in the grocery store, the passing out at the park over the summer and others!  Yet, I have learned so much about the frailty of life and how blessed I am for each day, that I am much stronger than I thought to be able to handle crisis situations, and prayer certainly is necessary in our daily lives. 
Nahum 1:7 "The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him,"

The next step is to get both girls allergy tested and stay well until the weekend, we have a party here Sat and I just want that little thing to enjoy every minute of it! 

Sadie at 11 months:
Sorry I didnt post these sooner sweetie, we've been a little... well... busy :)  Just like you! 
11 new things you are doing now
1. singing you ABC's you dont have the words but you've got the tune down
2. Climbing into your rocking chair and rocking
3. pretending to talk on the phone, you put it to your ear and say "heeeh"  lol i guess that's supposed to be like me?
4. showing off 4 teeth on top when you try to smile big
5. play peek-a-boo with the blanket in your bed or towel in the tub
6. play peek -a-boo with your hands over some one's face
7. hug on mommy and say "ma-ma but pretty sure you don't know that's my name yet :)
8. sleep better!! hallelujah!
9. drink coconut milk, BYE BYE formula!
10. rub your belly ALOT when it's "naked baby time" after dinner before bath, that's also what Kehnley calls "indian girls" time bc you look like indians in your diapers and panties she says
11. read books all by yourself for a long time in your bed or in your room...its sweet to watch your sit and turn the pages over and over.

Tomorrow is your Birthday, a year has gone so fast. I love you so much.

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Manic Monday

All those of you with little ones (or big ones I dont know those days yet but I am amazed at how you survive day to day, probably like myself- By the Grace of God) if Monday's are the hardest days for your entire household then you know what I am about to talk about!  I don't know what it is, I have many hypothesis' I am testing at the moment, as to what in the world causes my children to become totally malfunctioning and emotionally unstable on a Monday!  My two top guesses are that they are adjusting to losing one of the parenting due who's spent the past two days meeting their every need at every moments request in .25 sec and entertaining them with (literally) a song and dance before any tear would be shed over  ie. the dropper for medicine that is now used as a water shooter in the bath tub, OR the fact that they had such a busy weekend usually they got to bed way too late, added strange foods to their usual diet, and saw way too many people besides just each other.... 

All together I say that because usually on a Monday, when all they can handle is a few diaper changes, 3 meals, a on schedule nap and a quiet day with toys all over the house I just spend the weekend cleaning...I ALWAYS have to go to the store for the essentials (which i was humbled and glad to see some were on another moms must have in the house at all time list) 1.milk (reg and coconut) 2. tortillas 3.string cheese 4.cereal (a diff fav each month) 5.bananas 6.paper towels 7.edema (a new request of kehnley's)

I wish our Kroger didnt have the cars attached to the cart that requires a complete antibacterial wipe down, and biceps like Jillian Micheal's to just maneuver through the produce section.  I wish our Kroger DID have small grocery carts like we used to have so K could push her own cart and fill it with all the things i can mouth to the Checker without her seeing "we are getting any of that" as he pretends to put it on the belt but in a basket behind the counter instead, thank you Checker at no.11! 

The art of shopping has to happen in perfect synchronization with the highest caliber of mood on a Monday which happens between the time slot of after morning nap for Sadie and before snack time and silent morning demands of entertain me  by Kehnley- 10-10:45 so luckily I live exactly 4 min from Kroger door to door!

Hope your Monday isnt Manic and if you feel it going that way do what we do: pray, stop, and drop it like its hot!

Disclaimer- when you put your ipod on shuffle there IS a chance you will go from seds fam worship to jenny from the block any minute...

This is the mil dversion of a jam session, the floor really got cut up after i turned the camera off and she saw herself in the dishwasher reflection...there was more bounce for the ounce and shaking what her mamma gave'er!  Ill try and get a shot of that next! :)


Juice Box Buddies : I had to post the rest!

I would much rather spend my days and night with this at arms reach, that's probably why I dont have things done on the business end... but what would God desire more?! Hello!  I love that I get a lot of moments like these... and He will certainly honor that.  I am learning to let the dishes pile up too so I don't miss these moments.  2011 Resolution....play more, work less.

juice box collage 1

jucie box collage 2