
Tu Tu Cute

From start to finish this first Birthday was so much fun! Picking out the cupcakes, decorating...and getting to play with Kehnley the whole day... pay close attention to the kiss attach from Lyndz and Keri at the end! Kehnley was a good sport, but not a fan :)

"Pretty in Pink" was the flavor...she wasn't so pretty when it was over!

Kehnley had her very first birthday and there was a crowd. We had some friends and family over and we opened presents and ate cupcakes. Kehnley was a good sport for all the pics and cards and presents. It went by so fast we didn't even have time to swim until later that night. mom made her a birthday banner for us to hang, I was so impressed I loved it!! it's something she will be able to keep for ever.

On her birthday we did have a few firsts...

Bry & Kehnley and me, she's eating something a little more tasty than dog food:)

FIRST time to eat dog food, she had a bite of lilly's food when I was setting up for the party and appeared to like it, she was smiling with bits running down the chin and smelled like lilly's breath! ew...

FIRST temper tantrum thrown when she thought that I was taking the grocery cart away, when all I was trying to do was cut off the plastic netting for better use!

FIRST time to ever experience the birthday song sung not only once but 4 times! By me when she woke up in the morning, by Papa when he saw her, then twice at the party because dad missed it on camera lol, so we made everyone do it again. (it was the kind of effect of the fake bouquet toss at a wedding)

*kehnley's favorite gift was the grocery cart from aunt Nicole

*kehnley's favorite snack was all the envelopes from the cards

*kehnley's newest favorite thing to throw are the wooden blocks Nate bought her

It's hard to believe that at 11:43 only 12 short months prior I had seen her for the first time and thought "she doesn't look like us!" Then after the swelling went down and the cone formed a nice round shape instead, and she opened those baby blues... I could see how so many women before me would claim to forget all the pain of labor, uncomfortable nights of pregnancy, all the meals lost to nausea, and the fear of all the things that "could" go wrong and mean every word once they embraced the miracle laying in their arms.

"There's only one thing more wide eyes and helpless than a new born baby, and that's a new mom." - Anonymous.

I love that quote because it's so true that even if you have the most natural nurturing character in the world, a mother is made through becoming, not just being. I am so grateful for so many things about Kehnley...

Her laugh, her 4 toothed grin
Her soft baby hair she sometimes lets me brush my hands through, others she pulls my hands away
Her head when it rests on my shoulder
Her lip twitch when she's falling asleep
Her clapping hands even with food all over them
Her crossed leg sitting position looking up at her favorite video
Her run and smash into the beanbag seat when she thinks you are chasing her
Her concentrated look as she tries to pull the top off the sippy cup
Her upside own grin as she looks up at me through the stroller cover on our walks
Her voice in the morning talking baby lingo to her stuffed animals in her bed
Her fingers grabbing for the page to turn it so quickly
Her legs kicking and splashing in the tub
Her squeal of delight when she sees her daddy and blood curling cry when he steps out of the room to get a drink.
Her leaning down to look out the front window to see the ducks
Her fast paced walk to get to the pool, just to turn around and reach for me once she 's at the edge
Her tiny fingers can pick up a snack, but she uses her whole hand, front and back, to get it in her mouth
Her squinting eyes when the sun is out
Her funny way of trying to put everything in my mouth after her mouth has touched it
Her passionate hatred for shoes, hats and anything that confines her
Her special laugh reserved for anything that the dogs do or we do with them.
Her bottom in the air as she pushes off to go on another adventure

But most of all the feeling that she gives me that God made me for this... I was totally meant to be a mom, and I am being convinced of that more and more every day.

So here is the Birthday girl... and yes that's a tutu you see :)


Our Little Darling is a year old... Happy 12th Month Day!!

11 months

11 months

11 months

10 months

10 months

10 months

9 months

9 months

8 months

8 months

7 months

6 months

6 months

5 months

5 months

4 months

4 months

3 months

3 months

2 months

2 months

1 week

1 week

1 day


Another weekend away for the Blowey's

KiKi, Bry and me have been traveling mavens and it's only the begining. We went to Dallas for Ansley's shower, for Amy's shower and for Blaine and Jenna's wedding. One of the highlights from our most recent trips was Sprinkles. Megan and Kehnley and I had our first taste of these heavenly treats and we KNEW it was love at first bite! Lyndz was our tour guide to good eats in Dallas Friday afternoon. We stopped by Celebrity Cafe and then off to Sprinkles. Favorite flavor has to be Chai Late for me of course, Kehnley loved Strawberry and Megan did too. We had so much fun with Lyndz and Megan... and the wedding was beautiful. There were a lot of people from FBC Lubbock and it was nestalgic to be there with them all. Isn't it so amazing how time and distance cant seperate the bonds that God has made in our lives to people we have cared about?

It's been a super fun time getting to be with our friends as much as we have lately. I miss the college days where we could hang out at any time and just go with the flow. I had no idea how carefree my life was then until now... don't get me wrong I LOVE spending time with Bry and Kehnley. I love the newness of learning how to be a mom, I love the challenges that she brings and the character building that God is doing in me, and I don't have words to explain the comfort I have knowing that my marriage isn't complicated, just blanketed with love and grace. We really do have so much fun together...

But as days goes by, we see these friends taking big steps of change and challenge in their lives and celebrate with them the blessings God has given... I keep the moments in my heart along the way to remember all our pit stops. (and what I can't remember a photo can!)

Her first look... what do we get?!

Megan is bringing me the SUgAr!!

First bite.. mom is this okay to eat?

Oh yes, me likie!


Crazy Love

I picked up this book when I was getting a birthday gift last week and didn't know what I was about to experience. It's been life changing...

If you have 15 minutes today, you need to see this

go to http://www.crazylovebook.com/ and click on videos and "The Awe Factor of God"

talk about amazing...when I saw it, I experienced God in a whole new way. It put my life and all the things we get so wrapped up in into perspective. And I did just what Francis Chan did, I worshiped the Lord in light of it all. It made me feel pretty small at first, then it made me think the things that David wrote in Psalm 8, Bryson's favorite scripture...

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

then go see this...

It's not anything I didn't already know... it's just that sometimes we get so involved in our day we never take the time to stop..... and just think! God loves us so much, even after all these years I still don't fully grasp His love for me. Do you?

If you want more buy the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan