
In the little things

Something tells me I will have a lot of these stories to share. Bry loves doing the yard. For some reason it's a sense of ownership for him, maybe because it's our first house, maybe because of all those hours he spent sweating and slaving in college working on other people's yards for Scott....nevertheless, he loves it. Well, this weekend our lawn mower broke and he had to go borrow one from his brother. He was glad to have that option but quickly trying to plan HOW we would be able to fix ours, which it wasn't fixable, or buy one, which we have no money for.

Let me interject that I don't care about a lawn mower and I have no idea why we couldn't just borrow one forever, but it's REALLY important to him...

So the next few days go by, I of course thinking nothing about a lawn mover and he of course praying for God to make a way that he could buy this much needed device.
We get a check in the mail for a pretty good amount, not sure why we receive it, we call around do some checking and it turns out Bry won some kind of award SO..... that next day at work he is praying for a way to get a lawn mower and that evening is when we receive the check. He now has enough money to cash the check in, go buy his mover on the way home from work, AND take me and kehnley out for some much needed family time :)

I already knew that God would meet our needs, He's done it so many times before in the past... but Bry has a hard time with that one. Maybe it's a man thing, :) anyway, needless to say God used this lawn mower "crisis" to very loudly say over the hum of the slicing blades, I have it all under control... even your yard matters to me :) It helps us know that God will take care of the big things if He will provide the silly stuff too. As always His timing is perfect because in three short weeks we will cut our income in half ( no pun intended) and I know there will be moments where we will wonder how we will get by and God is going to show His love and power in mighty ways.

Thank you for the reminder Lord.

Isaiah 58:11 "The Lord will guide you always, and satisfy your needs...."
Phil. 4:19 "And my God will meed all your needs, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
1 Tim. 6:17 "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us everything for our enjoyment."

If you want to see Bry in action come by our house this week... He will be showing off his new mover to the world!


Ingram Gang said...

I love stories of detailed love and provision!

Kristin said...

How much I identify with this post! When Russ and I felt God leading us after Campbell was born for me to work less and spend more time at home, we had no idea what we were in for financially! We have learned so much over the past year about provision, about making decisions that honor Him with our money, and about the proper "view" of the things of this world.

It has been amazing how every single step of the way He has provided for every random "lawn mower" need. And you know, after a year of living like this, I value money more. I feel inclined to be more generous, to tithe more, because of my understanding of WHO's money it is has changed so dramatically.

P.S. He has reason to totally be proud of his lawn - it is gorgeous, and I think makes Russ feel like he is less of a man!!

Unknown said...

God is AWESOME! I have surrendered my finances to the Lord and the provison has been rewarding. Just an example, I was able to financially support my son with the opportunity to attend the Nick Saban Football Camp at the University of Alabama. He is excited!! I am so proud of my "Academic Athlete of the Year" (congrats Hunter).